Digitální mixážní pulty

Yamaha N12

/ HN096131
This elusive but essential ingredient can mean the difference between recording a memo or a masterpiece. It's not just you, or the gear you use, but a synergetic connection between the two. The Yamaha n-series Digital Mixing Studios have been created primarily to make that connection easier to achieve. Obviously the equipment won't make the music for you, but bad sound and/or complicated procedures will certainly dampen your inspiration and enthusiasm. That's why the n8 and n12 have been designed from the ground up to make recording and mixing a creative joy rather than a technical hassle. You'll sound good, and you'll be able to create the moods and textures you're after with minimum effort c in short, you'll feel great about the whole process so your talent can really shine. Inspiration can be unreliable, but when it strikes the Yamaha n-series Digital Mixing Studios let you capture it in all its creative glory.



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This elusive but essential ingredient can mean the difference between recording a memo or a masterpiece. It's not just you, or the gear you use, but a synergetic connection between the two. The Yamaha n-series Digital Mixing Studios have been created primarily to make that connection easier to achieve. Obviously the equipment won't make the music for you, but bad sound and/or complicated procedures will certainly dampen your inspiration and enthusiasm. That's why the n8 and n12 have been designed from the ground up to make recording and mixing a creative joy rather than a technical hassle. You'll sound good, and you'll be able to create the moods and textures you're after with minimum effort c in short, you'll feel great about the whole process so your talent can really shine. Inspiration can be unreliable, but when it strikes the Yamaha n-series Digital Mixing Studios let you capture it in all its creative glory.



What you play and how you play it are the very foundations of your art, whether it's hot licks or cool textures, or anything in between. Your sound is your musical identity, and you want it to come through with maximum impact. The gear you use to record and produce your music must not only sound good, but it must keep your musical identity intact while allowing you to enhance and shape the sound without degrading the quality of the initial input in any way.


Of course you can take the purist approach and simply record it like it is, but since an audio recording is a fundamentally different medium from a live performance, you'll most likely want to process and mix to bring the final sound into line with your musical intentions.


Pro-level Monitoring Suite with Surround Capability .

If you can't hear exactly what you're recording or mixing, it can be difficult if not impossible to achieve the intended results. The n-series consoles feature a remarkably well-equipped monitoring section that gives you broad, flexible monitor selection and control.


There's no doubt that digital audio is here to stay. In fact, current digital audio technology is capable of delivering better sound with more control flexibility and convenience than analog ever could. The trick is to integrate the power and many advantages of digital into a working environment that's familiar and comfortable for the artist. And that, coincidentally, is a perfect description of the Yamaha n-series Digital Mixing Studios.


Although they can be used as stand-alone mixing consoles, the n8 and n12 have been specifically designed to deliver maximum creative control and production power with the bundled Cubase AI4 software. In addition to a powerful set of software tools that expand the mixer's recording and production capabilities, Cubase AI4 features a range of MIDI sequencing capabilities, an entire suite of VST effect plug-ins, and a Hation One sample player with a range of samples. The hardware and software components of this extraordinary production system work in seamless harmony to take you from concept to completion with intuitive ease.
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Dobrý den, chci se zeptat jestli bude software dj Pro při koupi 1ks fungovat na 2 zařízení, jelikož bych ho chtěl mít i v založením notebooku. Děkuji za odpoved.
Dobrý den, ano, je možné software nainstalovat až na 4 počítače. Děkuji a přeji hezký den.
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